The following have given their availability as members of the jury:

MAGDA OLIVERO Celebre Soprano Presidente ITALIA
STEPHEN HASTINGS Direttore della rivista “Musica” INGHILTERRA
NADA MATOSEVIC sovrintendente Teatro Opera di Rijeka CROAZIA
GILBERTO MION critico musicale Corriere del Teatro ITALIA
DOROTEA VERONESI Resp. Concorso Lirico Città di Merano - Pres. ICEEF ITALIA
WALTER VLADARSKY Agente Teatrale Internazionale di Vienna AUSTRIA

The members of the jury can not have any degree of kindred with the competitors. Any members of the jury must not have any relationship or given lesson to a competitor for 2 years before the date of beginning of the competition.
In the first meeting, Vice President of jury are appointed by the jury itself, and the way performances are evaluated will be the decided - the judgement of the jury is unquestionable.
The mark in the preliminary part and in the semi-final will be "qualified" or "not qualified". During the final, the judgement will be quoted with a number given by the average between the marks of the variant members. The highest and the lowest more will be excluded. In the final the first prize will not be awarded if a score of 8/10 is not reached.